Drop format

Open edition for 5 days.

All NFTs are unique, generated for the minting account.

Each NFT is updated periodically and evolves with each transfer of ownership.

Mint Date

Mint ended on May 1, 2023

Find available Social Contracts NFTs on Opensea

The Collection Graph

When you mint a Social Contracts NFT, it traces the NFT contracts that you own, the accounts with the highest ownership of your contracts, and their other interconnected contracts. This graph is then used to project your future acquisitions.

The Collection Graph

Evolving with every transfer of ownership

When a Social Contracts NFT is transferred or sold, each new collector's data is merged, shaping the artwork's form and provenance. The last five collectors remain on the graph, while only the current owner gets the predictions.

The evolution of a Social Contracts NFT


Each NFT metadata contains attributes related to both the visual form and the graph's key data points, which are updated periodically and with each transfer.

ProvenanceAddress or ENSOn Transfer
Similar AccountAddress or ENSOn Transfer & Periodically
Predicted ContractNameOn Transfer & Periodically
Color PaletteNameNever

Key Features

Social Contracts extends the ERC-721 non-fungible token standard to record the provenance of each NFT, ensuring that their data is reproducible.

WebGL interactive graphics

WebGL interactive graphs

IPFS distributed storage

IPFS storage for images and snapshot data

Dynamic NFT

Periodically updated from on-chain data

Evolving NFT

Evolving with each transfer of ownership

Frequently Asked Questions

To mint an NFT, you'll need a crypto wallet, such as MetaMask, connected to the Ethereum network.
  1. Make sure you have enough funds in your wallet to cover the minting fee and any associated gas fees.
  2. Visit the project's website (here) and connect your wallet.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the minting process.

The cost to mint is 0.05 ETH per NFT plus gas fees at the time of minting. Visit the Ethereum Gas Price Chart to find the best time for lower fees.

Maximum 10 per wallet. You can mint multiple in a single transaction.

To view your minted Social Contracts NFT, try these options:
  • Connect your wallet on the project website (here), click on "My profile" to see your NFTs, and click any to view the interactive graph.
  • Visit an ERC-721 compatible NFT platform like OpenSea or Rarible, connect your wallet, and search for "Social Contracts" to find your NFT.
  • Check your wallet's NFT section for a direct view of your minted token.

Yes. Since Social Contracts will be your first NFT, your graph will be created based on other accounts that have minted and own NFTs.

The total number of mints after the 5-day period ends.

Once the 5-day minting period concludes, minting is no longer possible. However, you can purchase Social Contract NFTs from the marketplace. Upon purchase, the NFT content updates to display your graph and predictions, as well as the previous owners' graph in connection to your data.

Yes, you can sell or transfer your Social Contracts NFT on any platform that supports ERC-721 tokens, such as OpenSea or Rarible.

When your NFT changes hands, the artwork evolves as the new collector's data is merged with the previous owner's data in the graph. Predictions are provided to the new owner, and previous owners are marked as provenance accounts. This is managed using a custom smart contract extending the ERC-721 standard, ensuring each NFT's provenance and allowing for reproducible data.

The graph retains data from the last five owners, while information older than that is removed.

Interactive graphs allow for easy exploration of extensive data. You can click and move everything on the graph! Hover over an account to see its details and connections to contracts. Click on a contract to view its details and collectors. Follow the links between accounts and contracts to uncover indirect connections. Accounts or contracts with shared connections are placed closer together due to the graph layout algorithm. Zoom in or out using your mouse scroll or pinching on mobile, and drag the canvas to concentrate on particular areas. To reset the view, click "Fit to screen" in the bottom right corner.

This work emphasizes how blockchains inherently create their own social graphs by fostering new relationships through transactions as individuals (and bots) engage with the protocols established by smart contracts. Similar to Burak Arikan's previous work, Social Contracts highlights the inherent power structures within these networks. In this case, the social graphs in a blockchain increasing the traceability and predictability of our social, economic, and political activities.

About Burak Arıkan

Burak Arıkan
Burak Arıkan is an artist based in New York, holding a Master's Degree from MIT Media Lab. He delves into societal concerns and transforms his findings into abstract mechanisms that produce network maps, algorithmic interfaces, lead to performances, and generate predictions, helping to expose and facilitate discussion around inherent power dynamics. Arikan's software, prints, installations, and performances have been showcased at esteemed institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art New York, Venice Architecture Biennale, São Paulo Biennial, Istanbul Biennial, Berlin Biennial, Transmediale, Ars Electronica, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art, and many other worldwide. Arıkan is the founder of Graph Commons, a collaborative platform for mapping, analyzing, and publishing data-networks.
In partnership with

JPG Space